Orlando Business Law and Contracts Attorney

orlando contract attorney

Forming a business in Florida involves many decisions. You will have to consider the rights and responsibilities of the business owners, the lease and operation of real estate, the provision of services and sales to customers, and your relationship with contractors and employees.  

A well-crafted contract is essential to growing your business and protecting your rights in Florida. In fact, outside of special circumstances, many rights and agreements can only be enforced by courts if a writing exists. Examples include certain types of leases and property transfers, the ability to have an adversarial party pay your attorney’s fees and legal costs if you are forced to sue them, and the ability to enforce contracts for the sale of goods sold for $500 or more.    

Each contract is a collaboration between us and the client. The following are some of the types of contracts we can craft for you:  

Corporate Governance:

  • Articles of Incorporation and Articles of Organization 
  • Bylaws and Operating Agreements 
  • Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements
  • Distribution Agreements
  • Subscription Agreements
  • Purchase and Sales Agreements and Service Agreements

Real Estate: 

  • Commercial and Residential Lease Agreement
  • Notes and Mortgages

Employment Contracts: 

  • Employee Manuals and Company Policies 
  • Employment Contracts
  • Non-Compete Agreements

In addition to drafting the contact we may be able to provide services to enforce the terms of your agreements and defending your interests during a dispute. Contact us today for a consultation.